
Feeling Lost in podcast static?
time to tune-in to success.

Do you ever feel like your podcast is
just another voice in an ever-growing crowd,
struggling to stand out and deliver real ROI
for all your hard work?

You’re not alone if you see

  • Diminishing returns on the time and resources you pour into your podcast. You wonder: Is it still  worth the effort?


  • Rising competition that’s making it tougher to stand out with GenAI enhanced podcasts. You want AI’s efficiency while keeping it real.


  • A nagging feeling that podcasting no longer delivers the ROI you need. You’re aiming for lasting engagement with listeners, but how?

And  you’re worried that

  • It will take more time, money, and skills than you have to really stand out… and you’ve got enough on your plate.


  • AI might seem like a magical fix for podcast production, but so far, the results just haven’t lived up to the hype.


  • With competition only increasing, your signature style is lacks lustre and you might be asking: What’s the point of continuing to podcast?

A Fresh listening ear
Can Transform Everything.

What if I told you that with a few, simple tweaks
your podcast could start to attract listeners
who hang on every word and keep coming back…

Making your podcast finally worth your time. 

Audiocene Audits don’t just tweak knobs and adjust levels. With our 3-tier comprehensive custom analyses, you’ll walk away with…


  • A concise step by step, strategic blueprint that delivers actionable stages tailored to your specific needs leading to sustained growth and success.


  • A realistic plan for improving your podcast that is unique to you, your audience, and your goals.


  • Recommendations for AI tools to increase productivity without sacrificing human expression. 


And a fresh perspective on making your podcast stand out and reach the listeners you’re looking for without wasting time planning, creating, marketing, and producing audio that no one is listening to. 

Our will maximize your podcast’s impact, whether you’re a novice or an expert. Each package strengthens essential skills while utilizing standard and innovative elements
to optimize your storytelling content.

Keep them thinking about your podcast (and coming back) long after they’ve listened.

Ready to rekindle your passion and see real results?
Let’s make your podcast not just heard, but listened to.

Our Audit Options

Option # 1
The Basic Audit

Foundational Frequencies

offers a comprehensive baseline audit tailored for new and emerging podcasters.


It includes a thorough review of audio quality and basic content structure, delivering a concise 5 page report with actionable insights to enhance sound clarity and listener engagement.


With a 25 minute initial consultation and 2 emails of follow-up support within 7 days, this package achieves professional audio excellence, providing essential feedback for your podcast’s future growth.


We believe in the democratization of podcasts, that professional audio quality and outstanding content is within every podcaster’s reach, and that every voice engage in the greater good deserves to be heard. 

Option # 2
The Listener Experience

Immersive Earpact

amplifies your podcast by curating an optimal audience experience. At Audiocene, we advocate for enriched auditory culture.


This state-of-the-art audit provides in-depth evaluations of narrative techniques, listening strategies, sound design, and audience interaction while utilizing AI to direct your energy where it matters most.


It introduces an analytical structuring tool and tailors recommendations to integrate creative elements that align with your podcast’s identity.


Designed to refine your storytelling and maximize listener retention, this package delivers substantial audience growth.

Outcomes include 45-minutes of personalized consultation, a 13-page extended analysis including a concrete action plan, and 2 days of  follow-up support emails — all delivered within 12 days.

Option # 3
The Ultimate in Podcraft

Mastering the Audioverse

is a comprehensive solution for seasoned podcasters aiming at industry leadership.


This program of mastery recalibrates objectives and aspirations using data-based and creative means.


It also enables content innovation through podcast form hybridity that integrates field recordings, radio dramas, spoken word, news bites, and advanced sound design techniques. 


This package demonstrates a unique structuring method that weaves  diverse complex elements together seamlessly into a cohesive whole.


With the heightened curiosity and ability to deep dive into stories across the audioverse, your podcast opportunities are limitless and your path to industry leadership will be groundbreaking.

Including the Immersive Earpact package, impactful analyses and tactical implementation plans compiled in a 20-25 page customized report as well as 3 hours consultation, and

3 days of follow-up email support – all within 3 weeks duration.

Pump your audio up!


pick the perfect package

Foundational Frequencies

This entry level audit provides foundational insights into the technical and creative aspects of podcasting.
$ 340
  • Concise 5 Page Report
    with key findings and actions.
  • Meticulous Analysis
    of content, structure, and impact.
  • Sound Quality Assessment
    of audio recordings, settings, edits.
  • Overview of Analytics
    with effective recommendations.
  • 25-min Pre Consult
    to discuss objectives and fit.
  • 2 Follow-up Emails
    for clarifications and questions.
  • 7-Day Duration
    with a quick turnaround.
Best Value

Immersive Earpact

A deep dive into the listener experience, to infuse story elements with life blood and empower podcaster's in their craft.
$ 575
  • 13 Pages of Analysis and a Blueprint
    detailing extensive analysis and implementation
  • Assessment of Audience Cultivation
    including metrics, interactions, and identity.
  • In-depth Narrative Critique
    to determine story integrity and effect.
  • Communication Evaluation
    of active listening and audience engagement.
  • Targeted Recommendations
    to utilize AI and sharpen techniques.
  • Creative Feedback
    to inspire diverse story elements.
  • Modeling of Analytic Structuring Tool
    to manage process complexity.
  • 45-Min of Consultation
    in total before or after the audit.
  • 2 Days of Follow-up Emails
    unlimited to clarify and support.
  • 12 Day Duration

Mastering the Audioverse

Extensive analysis, a profound gasp of aurality, sound, and audio forms drive podcast innovation and leadership.
$ 995

  • 20-25 Page Extensive Report and Implementation Plan
    covering all aspects of production, sound design, story content, innovation, technical execution.
  • Achieving Mastery
    begins with a self-assessment process and our survey of your podcast, we collaboratively identify skills and aptitudes that would benefit from our attention.
  • Sound Design / Soundscapes
    covers the examination and enhancement of podcast episodes' sound design using sophisticated sound studies and soundscape principles.
  • Listening Development
    is achieved with an intensive critique of current practices followed by increasing listening awareness to improve a producer's auditory decision making.
  • Structuring Techniques
    are modelled by advanced processes that explore story architecture identifying creative iterations, divergences and convergences that work holistically.
  • Innovative Opportunity
    arises from an analysis of a show's research and identifying different audio formats and genres that will amplify meaning while maintaining storyline congruency.
  • 3-Hours of Consultation
    and in-depth discussion before and after to explore strategies
    and creative directions.
  • 3 Days of Follow-Up Support
    in response to concerns or queries via email and virtual meeting.
  • 3 Weeks Duration.
top tier

Why Choose Us

We Offer

audits designed to lift your podcast's quality and engagement. Each package dives deep, offering insights and recommendations that tap into the essence of life-world sounds, story and attentive listening.

Our Impact

is expert analysis and a creative, multi-perspective approach, where we boost your sound quality, enrich your content, and deepen listener connections. We ensure your podcast resonates deeply, making every episode a truly immersive experience.

We Serve

new and seasoned service providers and podcasters aiming to stand out. If you're looking to elevate your sound and captivate your audience,
our services are crafted for you.


to a world teeming with podcasts, standing out means offering more than just content—it means creating memorable listening experiences. Our audits transform your podcast into a standout experience that engages and retains listeners.

our audit lead

Andrea Dancer, founder of Audiocene Audits, has worked professionally producing audio for over 20 years in Canada, USA, and the EU. With a Ph.D in Sound Studies, as a radio documentarian and podcaster, as an activist in sound ecology and a sound artist, she brings extensive knowledge and commitment, as well as lived experience, to her audit consultancy. Find out more, listen to her works, read her articles.

Trusted By

We’re all about giving your show a top-to-tail scrub, then a lather, and it’s out on the town to strut your stuff!


We unpack your audio with an ear for crisp pro sound that’ll make your listeners sigh in relief and ease into whatever’s to come.


With stories, well, we are masters! We can weave a story arc into anything.  When the audit is done, you’ll be weaving fiber into every part of your podcast. And there’s nothing like spinning a good yarn!


So finally, there’s the genius bit where we tug on your creativity using research for inspiration and show you how to turn a story  until your audience is rapt around your show and you’re at the top of your game.


It’s how it works. We’ve been there and seen it often — still, we’re always surprised– and it’s so much fun!

Sure, we’re a bit out there, but so is everyone ahead of the pack. That’s what out there means.

But we come with a sh-tload of degrees, a ton of time in the field, in related fields, in creative fields — and we’ve got peeps to work with where it’s needed.

And we know research. That’s what a Doctorate degree gets’ ya. Basic research. Applied research. Critical thinking. Analyses. Enuf said.

Look, we know one size doesn’t fit all.

If you’re just starting out or you’re well seasoned, you’re going to get an analysis and action plan that’ll knock your sox off — so don’t worry, whatever your background, tribe, and aims, we’ve got you, your podcast (and your toes) covered.

I’m not gonna josh ya. It will take work. And some time.


The good news is that you’re going to save time elsewhere, which means you’ll re-allocate your time and energy resources, which means you’ll be more efficient and effective.


Your starting point will shift. You’ll have a slam-dunk plan to keep you going. You’ll get savvy. Your skills will hone. Where you end up will be really different from where you are now.


So get used to the idea of getting where you want to be — better and quicker.

Cuz we’ve answered all your questions candidly. Cuz we’re really really good at what we do. Cuz we’re funny, creative, analytic and talented.



Mostly, because we’re humble.



Ok. Ok. Because we know podcasts and podcasters can do better. 


Because we know podfade (podcasting burnout) is a real thing. Getting you aligned again with your aims and values is our aim and an important part of the audit process. We re-energize.



And the industry has matured and it will take better skills, a pro-like sound, incredible storytelling, and balls –innovation balls — to stay among those who cut it.



We have what it takes to get you there. With our breadth and depth of know-how, we can get you there. We will get you there.



It’s time to step up or get left behind.

We want you to be fully satisfied. It’s how we sleep at night. When you’re happy, we’re happy. It’s that simple. Here’s how we reset the happiness meter:

  1. We need to talk. You’ll go over expectations, objectives and strategies with us, working collaboratively.
  2. We try again with a free reworking of the areas you specify. We do this with an agreed upon time frame of 2 weeks max.
  3. If the happiness meter won’t budge, we will give you money back for what’s not working. 
We value open and candid discussion to work through whatever needs to be done to budge that darn meter. It’s how we both succeed.


Craft Podcasts That

Demand Attention &

Change Lives.


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